For Patients and Families
Welcome to the C-STAR Stroke Recovery & Research Blog!
On this page, we will share research findings from ongoing projects at C-STAR, as well as other stroke recovery information. We hope this page can serve as a valuable resource for our participants and their friends and families.
Please check back weekly for new posts! In the meantime, follow us on Facebook.
Speech Entrainment Treatment Affects Brain Function
This post was written by Dr. Lisa Johnson, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of South Carolina. Background At C-STAR, not only are we aiming to identify treatment approaches that can improve language...
Sentence processing in aphasia
This post is written by PhD student Sigfus Kristinsson. Sigfus recently had a paper accepted by the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience about how the brain understands different types of sentences....
Changes in Aphasia Severity in Chronic Stroke
Ongoing work in the C-STAR has been focusing on understanding predictors of long-term recovery in individuals with chronic aphasia. Doctoral student, Lisa Johnson, is the lead author on a recently...
Non-invasive Brain Stimulation and Aphasia Treatment – Part II
The last post described our recently completed Phase II Clinical Trial using non-invasive brain stimulation as an adjunct to aphasia treatment. See this link for details. Briefly, that post...
Able SC Community Leadership Academy
Below is a guest post by Lexie Larcinese, a speech pathology master's student and graduate assistant for C-STAR. During the last six weeks, several individuals with aphasia participated in a course...

Non-invasive Brain Stimulation and Aphasia Treatment – Part 1
Last week, Dr. Fridriksson and his team published an article about a recently completed clinical trial studying brain stimulation to improve aphasia treatment. The results of this study showed that...

Processing audiovisual information in the brain
Recently, the C-STAR group, led by Dr. Greg Hickok, published an article in the journal Cortex. The article is titled, “Neural networks supporting audiovisual integration for speech: A large-scale...

Predicting Aphasia Recovery: The Role of Brain Damage and SSRI Use
Below is a guest post by Lynsey Keator, MA, CCC-SLP. Lynsey is a speech-language pathologist who currently works with Dr. Argye Hillis at Johns Hopkins. She will be joining the USC Aphasia Lab in...
Summary from the Aphasia Community Event!
This year's Aphasia Community Event (ACE) was held on April 20. This was a great event full of fellowship, fun, and of course, food. We were honored to have Dr. Audrey Holland talk to us about...

Cognitive Psychometrics: Measuring the Mind
This post was written by guest blogger, Dr. Grant Walker. Dr. Walker is a C-STAR postdoctoral scholar located at the University of California at Irvine. In this post, he describes a study he...